“With great power, comes great responsibility.” – Spiderman’s Uncle Ben
Definition of Power from (Merriam-Webster)
1a (1): ability to
act or produce an effect (2): ability to get extra-base
hits (3): capacity for being acted upon or undergoing
an effect b: legal or official authority, capacity, or
2a: possession of
control, authority, or influence over others b: one
having such power; specifically: a sovereign state c:
a controlling group :
establishment — often used in the phrase
the powers that be diarchic: a force of armed men
chiefly dialect: a large number or quantity
3a: physical might
b: mental or moral efficacy c: political control or
4 plural: an order of
angels — see
celestial hierarchy
5a: the number of
times as indicated by an exponent that a number occurs as a
factor in a product <5 to the third power is 125>;
also: the product itself <8 is a power of 2> b:
cardinal number 2
6a: a source or means
of supplying energy; especially:
electricity b:
motive power c: the time rate at which
work is done or energy emitted or transferred
magnification 2b
1scope 3
9: the probability of
rejecting the null hypothesis in a statistical test when a
particular alternative hypothesis happens to be true
The reason I listed all the
definitions is to model how large a scope that power actually
has, and to help you understand (if you have been reading
along with the TPOVs), that power can be sophisticated in many
different ways, over a large continuum of conditions and it’s
really important not to discount power as being primitive, or
Power serves a lot of meaning in
Therefore, I do believe it is
important that we discuss power across the continuum of
meaning and not just try to shove it full of different
meanings but to nuance it enough to provide for descriptors we
need in order to use power well to design and create FLOW.
Power is a value. It is also
a motive system, which is where the real power is, in the
indirect use of power, to allow for, to enable, to be, do,
have and become power…ful.
In its raw form, you can refer to
it as force. In a more sophisticated form, as in
horsepower, we look at it as the ability to do work.
Even more sophisticated we can see that power, is often
associated with accountability, authority and responsibility,
each having a special contribution to creating purpose and
FLOW in any given set of circumstances.
Power used by and of itself, is
very weak, because the efficacy of power only lasts a short
period of time in most cases. The mere use of power
actually diminishes its affect and creates a set of
diminishing returns every time it is used.
Power conferred or revered by
others lasts almost indefinitely and can be indirectly applied
in many different circumstances with a lot of efficacy, or
even EES.
Power, like Avoidance, Achievement,
and Affiliation represents an interdependent system of memes,
or cultural instructions, which can be measured in terms of
the density present, or the intensity of behaviors that emerge
from each of the systems.
It is key to be able to interlink
them into even more powerful, avoidant, achieving, and
affiliative systems. When they are hybridized, almost
anything is possible.
Helpful Hint:
Power is almost never discussed
directly, yet it is present in everything and in every
situation. The key to power is not to discount it
because it is not aligned, but to identify ways to reshape it
into design and create with power, those wholistic
circumstances which benefit from power and the fit to power.
Action Step:
An interesting way to look at power
is to identify what power you think or feel you have and then
note how much or little you use it, in everything from
personalizing power, to referring power, or to discounting
power and it’s EES.
As in all things in FLOW, we can do
a simple test. We can summarize the power in our
inbornness naturally. We can look to the success requirements
for power, and then we can identify the difference. From
there, we can look at how we want to play with power, the
scaffolding for power, and how to design power into and out of
our natural ways of relating to the world, so that the fitness
of power is aligned well. MOST people don’t understand
how to use power and therefore find it being used on them.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. Or if you prefer, at the bottom of this page leave your comment and someone will get back to you.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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