Santa Rides a Typhoon
One of the nastiest typhoons I’ve been in.
At around 1 pm our time on Thursday we were expecting a tropical storm, signal 1 warning.
At 4 pm, we got signal 2 and at 7 pm we had a super typhoon — cat 5 – on our doorstep. We are the yellow bar.
At 9 pm, all hell broke loose! The dot is on top of us and it was upgraded back to cat 5 and that’s before it hit cebu west of us 15km.
For the next 5 hours we got blasted with 150 mph+ winds.
I’ve been in lots of wind events around the world — I grew up in Tornado Alley — and you can go to cemetery and see headstones that were knocked off in the year I was born in 1952.
But for a solid 3 hours Santa’s typhoon squatted on us — really frightening weather, and we are built super strong in our place (no damage except to our bananas and trees which were stripped).
The lack of warning about the severity of the storm led to carnage at pier 1 Cebu — the boats that serve our island. Those boats are 200 passenger boats and it tossed them around like toys. So don’t know when we will get passenger service again!
The fact remains as RAI/Odette passes out of the Philippines, we have cries and requests for everything you might imagine.
Some island provinces east of us and some areas of cebu don’t have electricity back up yet.
Our funds are exhausted plus most of mine heading into our Christmas-New Year gifting period.
If you have donated to holiday rice 2021, please help this year.
Donate and get a VIP SEAT for LIVING INQUIRY in 2022, I’ve already got a recording in the bag for you.
THANKS ALL for your help, so many of the disadvantaged are being helped in so many ways this year because of your graciousness!
God Bless You All!
Here’s to a calm Christmas and more beautiful sunrises like this one after the storm passed Friday Morning.
Mike R Jay, Developmentalist
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You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.

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