Inequality Definition
Inequality is not the problem… it’s the way we think
about it that is the issue, IMHO.
Part of that
problem is that we believe we have communicated something
when we say “They are the same as each other” or “They are
not the same as each other” or “They need to be treated
the same”. Given any two things/people, there are
countless ways they could be the same and countless ways
they could be different and unless you specify the
particular sameness or difference you intend, calling
things “same” or “different” communicates nothing at all.
“They should be
paid the same” could mean:
· Same hourly pay (which results in different annual pay if they work different numbers of hours)
· Paid by the same formula that relates salary to complexity of work as assessed by time span
· Each paid enough to cover their family’s needs
· Each paid enough to cover their family’s needs, taking into consideration what their spouse makes
· Etc. etc.
If inequality is the problem, what are the things or factors that ought to be equal? Same opportunity? And what would that mean, say, in regard to getting a particular job?
· Everyone has the same opportunity to find out about the opportunity and then has an equal chance to get the job
· Everyone with the specified qualifications has the same opportunity
· Everyone with the specified qualifications has the same opportunity and those without those qualifications are given the opportunity to acquire them
· Etc.
To say we have an inequality problem conveys no more information than to say we have a problem.
I wanted this article to be in our article bank because it points out a particular set of important ideas that will have to be dealt with over time — how we fund poverty.
The interesting thing about the quote is that fractionalization is a naturally occurring phenomena present at every level of human being… doing, having, becoming, and contributing and until we find ways to understand that in general the world works different than we thought it did… we will keep getting the same results…
Inequality is not the problem… it’s the way we think about it that is the issue, IMHO.
Inequality is a fact of life.
The question becomes when we use a lens that equality is the design that I believe we start to race the engine of inequality; go figure!
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You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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