1-Minute Dailies: Series I
Day 11
Density & Frequency
DF came out of my experience with scalable development where behaviour happens in many ways and can be counted as number of times used, as sophistication of behaviours emerges.
What I mean by that is most development tends to become more complex over time, where things get more volatile; the numbers of variables increase and the frequency with which things happen tends to change; where cause an effect are far apart or delayed.
Density and Frequency or DF is a way in which I can describe many aspects of a person’s behaviour.
Thus, DF is important, both descriptively, as you have seen me use it this far, and predictively once you grok it’s meaning.
As people “move” in development they acquire more ways of doing the same thing (Density), which allows them flexibility in RECOGNIZING and REGULATING responses to stimuli.
Increases in the number of times they use those ways (Frequency) — like using different greetings with different people one time or many times, changing it up for each situation — shows development.
Let’s say, for example only, saying Hi to everyone vs. modifying the greeting for others; we can describe or grok (get a felt understanding) of the density and frequency by which people use what they know…. with the different ways they do things and the number of times they do them.
Early STAGE development shows less DF than late, or even mid-stage behaviors. These markers are important in TRUSTED ADVICE.
If we apply, say DF to SK as I have in Day 9: Assessment as SKCP, then as you become aware of more ways your behaviour shows up and the number of times it shows up that way.
We can say something about and even predict likely behaviors with a degree of DF in the future.
This becomes a key attribute of being able to discuss leader behaviour as we note differences between leaders and their performances in order to assess where they are (what STAGE or POSITION or LEVEL) and what’s next for them and ourselves.
DF is an important clue in development,
Mike R. Jay, Developmentalist
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Living Inquiry?
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We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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