Development for Leaders
Series II
1-Minute Daily
Day 9
Enablers, Disablers, Victims, and Beneficiaries
Remember this asterisk statement?
“Enablers, Disablers, Victims and Beneficiaries in development are another important self-knowledge and self-awareness mapping one can use.”
At the halfway point in this series, I wanted to pause the heavy stuff to tell you about a simple exercise I use with aforementioned REISS PROFILE; the EDVB Matrix.
Here’s the backstory.
I ran across Reiss’s book “WHO AM I?, The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personalities” on a 2000 mile road trip from Florida to Texas, stopping to peruse a bookstore for some road relief, Reiss’s book caught my attention.
This book and the experience that has continued since then has been important in my own individual and collective developmental work.
Over the years I ran across the EDVB MATRIX, which allows you to place those “desires” with significant motivational sensitivity in play with each other to identify those motive patterns as enablers, disablers, victims, and beneficiaries.
Over time I’ve completed this exercise several times — as my conditions have emerged and evolved.
The reason I mention this is because in your path for self-knowledge, you can identify these constituents of your PERSONALITY DYNAMICS as they become tools to evolve your BEING, DOING, HAVING, BECOMING, and CONTRIBUTINGS.
Drop me a note if you want access to the REISS PROFILE and the EDVB Matrix.
Mike R Jay, Developmentalist
PS: If you have not yet qualified for Series III, visit to learn how easy it is to qualify.
PPS: Be sure to also check out what Mike will be offering in March, 2022, by visiting
1 Minute Daily: Development for Leaders is sponsored by LeaderW@RE, critical factors in Leadership Development from Leadership University at
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We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.
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