My Football Story
Mike R. Jay
It was a cold December day in 1969, in Torrington, WY. The
football field was frosted over and the bleachers, covered
in snow. I rubbed my hands together as I made the trek
from the high school parking lot to the coach’s office.
There sat Coach Johnson, who today is one of the premiere
coaches in high school football with more than 330 wins in
a 40 year career as a high school football coach.
“Great news,” he said as I plopped down in the seat opposite his.
“You’ve been named Honorable Mention on the All-America
High School Football Team.” I lit up, a huge smile
stretching across my face. I had already been named
all-conference and all-state and now, this — the perfect
ending to an undefeated 9-0 season.

Sure, I ran
track and played baseball too, but my heart was with
football. In fact, I loved football so much that I broke
my cast off during half-time at a game earlier that
season, hoping Coach Johnson would put me in to rescue the
team from what seemed then to be a certain loss. That was
the type of athlete I was: I wanted to play and I wanted
to win.
I had long set my sights on a college
football scholarship and the Honorable Mention distinction
would only help my chances. I thanked Coach Johnson for
sharing the good news and rounded the corner to Jim
Wiseman’s office. As Torrington’s athletic director, he
had helped student-athletes through the recruiting process
before. “Congratulations,” he said in a scratchy voice,
strained from a career spent cheering on the sidelines.
“Thanks,” I said. Then Jim looked up at me as if
he knew what I was thinking.
“What are my chances?”
I asked with a grin.
Jim chuckled as he shook his
head from side to side. “You know, playing at the college
level is a long shot for anyone.”
“I know, I know,”
I offered impatiently. “But it’s my dream,” I said. “I’d
do anything to play college football.”
you’ve clearly got the talent — and the passion too,” he
responded. Let me send your videotape to Darrell Royal at
the University of Texas and see what he says. Elated, I
jumped from my seat and headed to class.
As the
weeks passed, I became more and more anxious. Would they
want me? If so, how much would the scholarship be? Could I
visit campus? What position would I play? It was early
January when Mr. Wiseman finally called me into his
office. “Tough luck, young man” he said. “The verdict is
in and the Texas coaching staff says you’re too short and
too slow.”
“Wow,” I said in disbelief. I had
worked so hard to get to that moment and this was not the
response I expected. I glanced first at Mr. Wiseman and
then down at the floor. I was one of the best high school
quarterbacks in the nation. “How could they not want me?”
I wondered.
I allowed myself a few days to grieve
and then I pulled myself together. I knew I had what it
took — my stats on the field proved it. I loved the game and
one rejection wasn’t enough to make me quit.
I wrote letter after letter to college coaches across the
country. I circulated my highlight tapes far and wide.
Mentally, I prepared myself to accept offers from a broad
range of schools — not just the ones I had always hoped to
By the end of my senior year, my options
were clear: go to the University of Wyoming where I had
been told I could walk on to the team or accept a
full-ride scholarship to a liberal arts school in
Scottsbluff, Nebraska — Hiram Scott College.
Neither choice
was ideal. At Wyoming my playing time would be limited and
I wouldn’t receive any financial assistance. Plus, I’d
heard walk-ons, no matter the school, were treated like
second-class citizens.
Did I really want that? At Hiram
Scott, things would be better but I’d been recruited to
play defensive back and I wanted to play quarterback.
Choosing what seemed to be the better of the two options,
I packed my bags for Scottsbluff, hoping for the best.
It started out well. In the first few weeks of
practice, I took Hiram Scott by storm, beating out the
current quarterback and taking his starting spot.
my freshman season, I led the team to a 6-2-1 record and
threw a 92-yard touchdown pass to the tight end that year, the
longest ever in that stadium.
Hiram Scott’s football coach, Dick Beechner, quickly
identified me as one of the best players ever to play for
the school. I had every reason to look forward to a
promising football career there.
It wasn’t long,
however, before word reached me that this season would be
the team’s last. Strapped for cash and unable to keep
enrollment at capacity, the Board of Trustees had decided
to shut the school down.
When I heard the news, I sat
silent. Once again, I had been detoured. Would I be able
to take what seemed like a roadblock and turn it into an
With proven abilities as a college
football quarterback and decent freshman grades, I made a
second attempt to get recruited.
This time, three
scholarships came back my way: one to play for the
University of Wyoming (the school that had offered me a
walk-on position the year before), one to play for the
University of Northern Colorado, and one from Weber State
University in Ogden, UT.
Without doing the research I
should have, I agreed to play for Wyoming — after all, they
had promised me I could play quarterback and that was
where I wanted to be.
I think every high school athlete
dreams of playing for their state school!
to finally join the Wyoming Cowboys, I packed my bags once
again — this time for Laramie.
I settled into my dorm room
and strolled around campus, eventually finding my way to
the field house for my first day of practice.
The coach
called for me to take a few snaps as quarterback and
decided almost instantly to switch me to defense — with no
I was angry. I hated defense. I begrudgingly
played free safety during spring training. At 5’10” and
150 pounds, all the beating, thumping, and hitting took its
toll, leaving me with a jammed neck, chronic headaches, and
several trips in and out of consciousness.
Before the
spring semester was even over, it was clear that my
football career at Wyoming was never going to be what I
had imagined.
Even though, they had a great coach, Fritz
Shurmur, who later coached the Green Bay Packers. I had a
decision to make.
I headed to the mountains north of
Laramie to forget about my football career.
Thinking I would never play football again, I retreated to
the mountains and got a job cutting wood. Football was
what I did and I’d never stopped to think beyond it.
would I do next? This time, my mind was made up for me.
After a forest fire on Bull Mountain in the fall of 1971
burnt away my job, I returned home to a month or two of
dereliction and found that I was not cut out for being a
college dropout.
Vietnam was raging and after a fight with
my dad, I was off to join the Marine Corps. Undertaking my
third adventure since graduating high school, I packed my
bags yet again and moved south to Camp Pendleton after
matriculating from Marine Corps Boot Camp at MCRD, winning
Series Honorman and a meritorious promotion in the
My early success in the military was a
welcome change from the disappointment of the previous two
years. I was quickly named a top military recruit,
received two meritorious promotions and was given my
choice of duty.
Before long, I was surprised to learn that
the Marine Corps was starting a football program designed
to attract recruits to the military.
Over the next few
days, I began reliving my days at Hiram Scott while
sitting around the table with fellow Marines. Skeptical of
my story, they razzed me. “If that’s true, Mike,” they
said, “we dare you to try out for the team.”
“You’re on,” I replied.
Within a matter of days, I
had collected my bets and was on my way to Quantico, VA,
where there would be one more round of try-outs that
“hundreds” of marines would attend hoping to be named to
the team and avoid being shipped to Vietnam in the summer
of 1972.
An all-Marine team would be formed with the
survivors of those three-a-day practices in muggy
The “Titans” had finished their first season in
Alexandria, the year before and integration was beginning
to come into full swing everywhere, as people were
awakening to the constitutional ideal that “all men are
created equal.”
Being back on the football field enlivened
me. I performed well and was chosen as starting
The Marine Corps flew us all over the country
that season; we usually touched down in dress blues and
were welcomed by a host of news cameras and reporters, all
spreading the Marine Corps message.
I spent the season
having the time of my life, ordering around senior-ranking
officials on the field and performing at my personal best.
In the last game against Xavier, I ran 70 yards for a
touchdown, a grand finale to an impressive season, for a
quarterback who was too small and too slow, I was feeling
bigger than all of that for sure.
It was then that
the tables turned. I was no longer pounding down coaches’
doors; they were pounding down mine.
In the weeks that
followed, I received over 50 letters in the mail, all from
first-rate teams offering to roll out the red carpet for
me — Florida, Illinois, Texas A&M, and the list went on.
This was exactly what I had hoped for my senior year of high
school. It was just a little late in coming.
The best
part? Because I had been on active duty for 18 months, the
NCAA wouldn’t penalize me for transferring schools — I would
be allowed three years of eligibility.
With a big
decision before me, I stopped to think about life beyond
football for the first time. I weighed not only the
football programs at each school but also the academic
What did I ultimately want to do and who could
help me get there? Did the schools offer the right
Did they have the academic support I would need?
What long-term opportunities would the school help create
for me?
Convinced I would eventually be a veterinarian,
Texas A&M was an easy choice and there was ONE particular
advantage I had in the back of my mind.
You see, the
“Fightin’ Texas Aggies” played a little ole team called
Texas every year on Thanksgiving — you remember, the same
team, with the SAME coach who had rejected me as being too
slow and too small to play major college football.
I made
visits to College Station. They were everything I wanted
in a school, big, tough, great tradition, great coaches,
and great spirit. What more could a marine want, and a
deal was struck.
In just two short years, I had lost my
dream and reclaimed it. And, as if that weren’t enough, I
would have the chance to play the University of Texas, the
very school that had said I couldn’t play at that level,
on Thanksgiving Day.
I packed my bags a fourth and final
time and headed to Texas.
wasn’t easy at Texas A&M. Although I was voted Captain my
first year, injuries took their toll and I sat out part of
the season, even after leading the conference in total
offense through my first six games, and being voted by
Texas Football Magazine as “Newcomer of the Year in 1973.
Working my way back into the starting role in 1975 as a
Senior, I finally found myself on the field against the
coach who said I didn’t deserve to be there.
I can’t tell
you how gratifying over the years it was to be a part of
the team who on national TV in 1975 defeated our arch
rivals 20-10.
While they knocked me out with a back injury
right before the half, I managed a touchdown pass before
half-time and I proved that I could indeed play major
college football.
While the record books won’t have my
name plastered all over the place, as there were certainly
people who played quarterback at Texas A&M MUCH better
than I did; for the time I did play, I managed over 10
yards every time I touched the ball that first year, and
enjoyed the best collegiate football had to offer during
my career with A&M.
We were Southwest Conference Tri-Champions and made a
Liberty Bowl appearance against USC to boot.
only thing that I think had kept us from winning the
National Championship in 1975 was an injury I sustained in
the Texas game on National Television.
When the season
ended, I was voted by my teammates as the recipient of the
Aggie Heart Award, an honor given to a senior athlete who
had displayed effort, desire, determination,
competitiveness, leadership, and courage over the course of
his athletic career.

Mike Jay hurt against Texas in 1975
My message to you — the student-athlete who is reading this book — is to believe in your story and to keep moving forward until that story emerges.
In this book, I share the lessons I learned the hard way in the hope that they will aid you on your journey.
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You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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