Santa Mike’s Goodies
As you may know
every Easter and Christmas we raise funds to give a little something
to our MyPALs, their families, and the “street” people in
the Philippines.
This year may be a little bleak for
them because all of our saved-up funds went to help them with other
Sometimes I feel we, as the
privileged people of the western world, often loose site of just how good we
have it compared to the rest of the world.
Sure, we may struggle to pay our
bills each month, yet consider where we have spent our wages.
Think of the homes we live in, the
food we eat, the cars we drive, and then read about people in other
parts of the world and be thankful we live where we live.
So instead of thinking about what
the Easter Bunny and Santa will bring you this Easter and Christmas, think about what you can do to bring
the joy of just being able to have food and maybe some shelter to a family
in another culture. It is said that the joy of giving is by far the best
gift you can give yourself.
Our money goes directly into their
hands, we don’t take any out…
This is the worst problem of poverty… the pure lack of choices for single
Please donate whatever your heart
moves you to help our MyPALs, their families, and other disadvantaged
children this holiday season.
If we don’t help them:
— They lose their house,
— Their kids must stop school,
— They don’t eat,
— They don’t get treated for TB,
— Their kids don’t get nutrition,
they have to buy them sugar water (yes, that is what the poor feed their
kids) …
— Some must quit school because they
can’t pay for exams or projects,
— Their parents get sicker,
–Their babies get sick and go to
hospital… and die,
— They can’t apply for jobs or get
their fees paid to go overseas and work…
This is the reality of the
When I think about how many people
are going hungry, are in makeshift homes (cardboard boxes, galvanized tin,
and unfinished cinderblock) — a MyPAL sent me a chat recently – their poso
negro (septic tank) is full and just won’t yield anymore, so Easter and Christmas in
the house will have a different odor it seems.
As I go through EACH individual case
we support… if we don’t help, the entire family system often dips into
destitution, forcing the most vulnerable into intractable patterns of
ill-health, and in many cases, ill psychological health as mothers have to
do whatever it takes to feed, clothe, school, and treat their children.
The cost of “plain” rice is about
$50 for us, because the dollar has appreciated against Philippine currency
some this year, and we may not be able to give high quality rice this year,
without a lot of help from everyone.
We will stay above the rice that smells, which many are forced to
eat, as it would not look good giving the cheaper, smelly rice (a whole
other conversation btw) …
If you can help us, buy a sack or
two, it will really be important this year, thanks!
As a “Thank You” for your donation
you will be granted access to Mike's "Living Inquiry" Launching call and his
digital book on "Living Inquiry" due out in March, 2022, which will sell for
$6.97. You will also be upgraded to V.I.P. status for the launch, a
potential savings of hundreds of dollars. [Learn more
Click the Donate button below to
make your donation today.
WARNING: If you would like to skip reading
more about Mike's journey in helping disadvantaged single mothers and the
people needing help this holiday season as well as why becoming a V.I.P.
member for Mike's Living Inquiry Launch will benefit
you, and instead you just
want to donate, then visit the following link to make your generous
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours.
We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

© Generati
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