"America is coming apart. For
most of our nation’s history, whatever the inequality in
wealth between the richest and poorest citizens, we maintained
a cultural equality known nowhere else in the world — for
whites, anyway.”
"The more opulent citizens take
great care not to stand aloof from the people," wrote Alexis
de Tocqueville, the great chronicler of American democracy, in
the 1830s. "On the contrary, they constantly keep on
easy terms with the lower classes: They listen to them, they
speak to them every day.”
Americans love to see themselves
this way. But there’s a problem: “It’s not true anymore,
and it has been progressively less true since the 1960s.”
— Charles Murray.
I am using fractionalization as a
meta term, and therefore it is not what you might think about
fractional banking, but about the "fracturing" of that which
was once a part of something else.
Fractionalization occurs mainly as
a result of something big becoming too big to scaffold,
support, and survive in the face of increasing complexity.
When we have difficult problems, we often "chunk them down"
into manageable parts.
When the noise becomes too great,
we often head off for a quieter spot. When we have
complex systems, we often understand them in their less
complex parts, we deconstruct things, matching reality to the
resources we have available.
Why do families deconstruct?
Because they can.
Each of us is usually happier when
we are pursuing our own self-interests. In emerging
countries large families are staying together… why?
Because they have to.
deconstruct and form other units that couldn’t fully form in
the context of the whole of emerging resource constraints.
Liberty means a lot to a lot of people in different ways.
In the emerging world, people are free to act as they
wish… or are they?
Of course not. The rules are
never the same for all people, even though the rules are the
same. It is the availability of resources that fractures
the whole, in a lot of cases, even though freedom to act was
not a restraint.
Fractionalization is a perfectly
natural outcome of liberty + resources, or lack of them.
Even though everyone has a certain
liberty, not everyone has resources and therefore
fractionalization can or can’t happen based on a natural
response to complexification. Most likely,
fractionalization and complexification are circular
Fractionalization is bringing about
a whole other paradigm in social organizing and the need to be
free, and with resources, fuels this process. It can’t
be stopped, it is a natural occurring process, even as
distasteful it might seem to see America Coming Apart… under
complexity and liberty. It could be that everything will
fracture, or have to.
Yet, those social and moral
organizing systems that depend on assumptions about the whole
are facing the end of their roads. Most of us, having
grown up in this described whole, are now seeing it threatened
with such things as loss of the generational family unit, the
shifting of complex problems to fractionalized realities, the
shifting of the capability to do work at higher and higher
levels with fewer and fewer people capable, and the inherent
wicked problems that will and are being created all around us.
If we have capability that at one
level was able to solve most of the conditional tensions, but
through complexification, the conditional problems evolved in
complexity, then we either have to evolve the capability, or
the scaffolding, or both; or fracture the complexity –> a
natural, welcomed response in a lot of cases. Living
simpler is but a snapshot of that idea.
This becomes much more difficult
when capability is limited; or not growing as fast as
complexity, as is the case now of our world. Therefore
most of what has to be done is to promote more complex levels
of scaffolding. Yet that ability is also limited by the
inbornness of ego, because in order to create high levels of
combinatorial scaffolding, we need to link capability.
That is prevented by such things as "rugged individualism" or
a variety of inborn trajectories surrounding our trajectories
of development around collaboration.
Clearly fractionalization will
bring about the necessity, and therefore, according to some
theories, the associated neurophysiological responses required
to match that necessity.
NOW, in 2012, we see those growing
pains, clearly as things become more involved, more
It’s possible that the next solar
5,000 years will need to bring about a new way of seeing
things, such that new means/memes are developed which have as
part of their goal, the ability to induce things like
collaboration, and other scaffolded approaches. This
will permit the fractionalized individuals to form collective
responses, rather than continuing to rely on the "great"
individual, heroic events and independent greatness.
In general, we know this
cooperative and collaborative condition occurs when we have
regression, as we see people pass, for short periods, their
own individual ego goals and work on supre-ordinate goals, but
only for a time. When the conditional tension is relieved in
sufficient enough manner, we see individual ego take back over
and self-interest again become key players in the ongoing
process of fractionalization.
The question I have is whether or
not, instead of regression, we see a progression, where people
come together and solve the tensions and then begin to form
new ideas about how to make more permanent the scaffolding
which will lift everyone up past their own individual limits,
without the seemingly natural response that when the crises
are over, to again go back home.
Helpful Hint:
Fractionalization is a natural response to more.
Yet, because we have so little experience broadly as a people
with the liberty and the resource availability, along with the
scaffolded legacy of modern and post-modern culture, we are
still dealing with the entire process, rather rudimentarily.
The true human potential is as of yet, unrealized because of
the simple nature of human ego convincing us, that it is us,
rather than some other reason we go but by the grace of God.
We have swung from being fully controlled, to fully
controlling… and we have rejected any middle ground in this
Fractionalization is not a bad
thing. It is a natural process. Therefore we want
to learn how to use it, design it, and learn about it, so we
don’t get ourselves hung up on the BS need to make everyone
equal, or the same. Becoming fractionalized means that
we are able to pursue individual gifts with more ITEAM,
and Intention. However, the scaffolding needs to
shift in our cultures to leverage the advantage, which can be
created by the whole.
Action Step: Here’s an idea.
Try collaborating for collaboration’s sake. Put aside
WIIFM for a short period of time, and just try to "grease"
the wheels, so to speak. Be, Do, Have and Become
whatever your gifts are, and just offer that to others.
Try it for a little bit at a time, and see what happens.
Reference Article:
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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