From Nowhere to Now Here
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the
I fall in. I am lost. I am helpless.
isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t
see it. I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in the
same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a
long time to get out.
walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the
I see it is there. I still fall in. It is a
My eyes are open. I know where I am.
It is my
I get out immediately.
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in
the sidewalk.
I walk around it.
I walk down another street.
~ Portia Nelson
Chapter 1
From Nowhere to Now Here
If you could
be, do, have, or become anything you wanted, who and what would you be? Most
people have probably asked themselves that question at least once.
what comes next may be hard to swallow!
Chances are that if you were
naturally suited to be, do, have, or become what you think you want, you would
probably be doing it right now instead of reading this book.
So why are you
reading this book?
Are you looking for that one miracle to solve all your
problems, to make you a better person? Are you hoping that someone out there can
tell you how to get the things you think you want out of life?
You might as
well keep looking, for you won’t find those answers in this book. This book is a
challenge. It is a call to stop looking “out there” for someone to tell you what
to do and who to be and what to want, and to begin the journey of finding you.
You are probably thinking you’ve heard it all before, but keep reading.
You’ll see that what’s in this book will shake the foundation upon which you
have built during your life.
So many of us are driven by the belief that we
can be anything we want to be or do anything we want to do, and should want
that. That belief in its current form is mostly attributed to a theory of mind
that was espoused by John Locke in the late 1600s.
Locke believed that our
minds do not contain any innate knowledge when we are born; rather, we are
“Blank Slates.” He suggested that all knowledge is acquired through experience
(namely, our environment as we grow).
Centuries of interpretations of
Locke’s ideas have resulted in a theory of human being that assumes every person
is born with the same potential and that if only our circumstances (environment)
and opportunities were right, we could be, do, have, become, or contribute
anything we wanted — hence, we are Blank Slates, tabula rasa . . . to be written
Yet, ideas resembling Blank Slate have been around for millennia.
They’re even found in some of the world religions, which tell us that we are all
alike, of infinite value before God, and infinitely held in God’s love.
@F-L-O-W™, short for Flawless Living Operating Worldview, does not call
religious views into question. What may be the most important distinction we can
make is . . . this condition of equality exists only in terms of God’s infinite
regard for us, not as sameness of natural gifts and potentials.
fundamental philosophy of Blank Slate became especially prevalent after World
War I as emergent from the needs to program the illiterate into society. In the
time since then, it has come to permeate our collective consciousness, as we are
conditioned daily with some new aspect of this Paradigmatic Operating System
In fact, the Blank Slate paradigm is much like an operating system in
computer language, it runs in the background and no one but the programmers see,
and what’s more, use it. Yet, it is so much a part of the cultural fabric today
that most of us unconsciously assume it to be true, irrational as it is in
reality. We have been co-opted by a belief that leads most of us to value
success over happiness, wants over needs.
It is an intuitive, often useful
idea to think that if we just put our minds to something we can achieve it. No
one wants to tell anyone that they can’t be, do, have, become, or contribute
something. But have you ever given much thought to why you want the things you
want in the first place?
In most cases we want what we want because it’s what
society deems desirable, or it’s what other people have. Often, having it, or
wanting it, confers social status and prestige or it makes us rich and powerful.
We constantly use other people to gauge our success and decide what we
could, or should, be. In a world where we are judged by the house we live in,
the car we drive, the job we hold, and the clothes on our backs, it is no wonder
happiness and success are the most sought after but elusive states of our
So what’s the problem?
Let’s start with the theory of
Blank Slate. Did you ever play the game “telephone” as a kid? You know the one
where everyone sits in a circle and the first person whispers something to the
next person and so on around the circle until the last person says the phrase
out loud?
By the time it gets around the circle, whatever was whispered at
the beginning has been completely lost and some other “interpretation” has taken
its place. This is what appears to have happened with Locke’s ideas about the
human mind. Locke’s ideas have gotten lost in translation.
Locke, among
others, recognized that there are differences in people with regard to how their
minds work. There are no innate ideas “stamped upon the mind” Locke writes in An
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Book II [1:5]). Locke used the word
“ideas” to refer to the things we think about.
In Locke’s theory, we have no
innate ideas but we have “innate faculties which perceive, remember, and combine
all the ideas that come to it from without.” In this sentence Locke acknowledges
that people have innate “faculties” or inherent capabilities with which to think
about ideas.
If we each have different inherent capabilities, then we cannot
assume everyone having the “same” experience (the experiences that would
shape them into happy and successful people), and therefore knowledge, we would
all be able to use that knowledge in the same way!
We assume that knowledge
is knowledge; that if we possess it, we can use it, and we can be anything we
want. But, there is a difference between what we think we know, what we actually
know, and what we can do with what we know — in all of us, a knowing-doing gap!
Over the past 50 years, because of the assumptions made by Blank Slate (BS),
more and more people have found themselves having to trade what I believe is
their ticket to innate happiness to get into a bigger game of success. You hear
this bigger game analogy all the time!
This happens because we force
ourselves, or try to force ourselves, to change to fit the life we think we want
(or the life we think we should want based on our entrainment by BS) without
knowing whether our deepest needs or intrinsic gifts are really suited to the
life represented by those irrational wants plunked into our system by clever,
albeit often well-meaning manipulators.
NOTE:You will be given the rest of Chapter 1 next week,
or, of course you could just buy the whole book.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. Or if you prefer, at the bottom of this page leave your comment and someone will get back to you.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

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