Focus on Process
“The essential takeaway is that
the new economics of personal productivity mean that the
better organized we try to become, the more wasteful and
inefficient we become. We’ll likely get more done better
if we give less time and thought to organization and greater
reflection and care to desired outcomes.” – Michael
I will call Michael and raise him @F-L-O-W…, which says,
that the way to be personally more productive is to design
systems that are consistent with our happiness profile.
Forget about outcomes. We have almost zero control over
them. As change accelerates, we will have less and less
control, because of the disadvantage of adapted rules.
The problem with getting traction using this
@F-L-O-W idea is with
the superficial understanding of the @F-L-O-W model.
In a (BS) world that values particular things… more than
others… if your happiness profile is OUT in alignment with
what is valued by perceivers, they will say you are less
productive, even though, you are more productive when you work
within those elements of inbornness.
Most of us may need "transcription" and "translation"
in the gap… to transcribe our profile, and translate that
into requirements the BS world will monetize. Because, for
the most part, if it doesn’t reduce to money, then one will
say it’s not productive, another caveat in and of itself.
An outcome often has emergent properties in complex
environments. This means the outcome has a set of properties
without showing the properties of what went into the mix.
Therefore, by attempting to control something that we have
little control over, which is the original idea in the quote
above… modeled unsuccessfully in the quote’s solution, which
is to focus on outcomes, we fall victim to complexity… not
What little we do have control over is often the process (to
some extent), not the product, EXCEPT in bounded reality.
Individually, inbounded realities mean that we fully don’t
understand or participate in the collective whole anyway, and
that our outcome is suboptimal for
EES, in most cases.
This also depends on the perspective, because of the false
set of assumptions creating the bounded reality.
Helpful Hint:
SOME (1-5%<G>) will chose to
live in bounded reality and force a set of assumptions, which
can be "managed at some level" through fractionalization,
not the banking kind, but the fracturing of reality. While
many claim it is a fractal, it is not, because it
doesn’t contain all the parts of the whole. Anyway, it’s
not part of the holographic reality where fractals can produce
(like DNA) the whole.
Action Step:
My suggestion is to focus on
knowing yourself well enough that you know at least your top
strength area. For those who can’t clearly agree what
your top strength area is, use your top two, or three, at
most. In those areas, the highest levels of productivity for
YOU will emerge.
NOW, because productivity MIGHT be
defined by
BS currency, you will need some help in
transcription and translation, in order to translate the
productivity into a
BS equivalent.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

© Generati
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