[ABCs] M: Personality Dynamics
LeadU SK+ L&LI Microcasts:
A daily 1+ minute “conscious” read.
“Williams James, perhaps our first great psychologist stated (paraphrased and augmented) that life (a journey of self which always corresponds to ego position) is about dealing with the “problems of our personality.”
At age 71, I can attest to the real challenge in that process even with long pursued SK & SA commitments.
I’m amazed that with all the thought, reflection, success, and failure I’ve experienced; my personality dynamics remain durable and are often difficult to live with for me and others around me.
These differences in the malleability of these problems of personality across the spectrum of ego position are both personal and important to remember.
I couldn’t have done what I’ve done without my personality dynamics, but I couldn’t have done much different — lord knows I’ve tried 😉
With that said, discovering the nature and nurture of design has allowed me and will offer you, the OPPOR+UNITY to:
“minimize the negative consequences of our personality bias (problems) when it’s RightACTION and empower those areas of our personality which we can leverage easily for success by design.”
Without a doubt SK+INQUIRY has given me and my clients around the globe tools for design providing OPPOR+UNITY* to leverage who we are — where we are — and what’s required.
With SK+INQUIRY in view of a CAPTSEE** PSA, the problems of personality become OPPOR+UNITY.
I want to say a few words about the SK or Self-Knowledge Portfolio we use to guide design — personality strategy and tactics — in our next ‘cast.
* OPPOR+UNITY: Openings, Possibilities, Plans, Outcomes, RightACTION + UNITY means “everything is connected.”
** CAPTSEE: Considerate, Appreciative, Positive, Thoughtful, Sustainable, Efficient and Effective approach. (Generati).
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please visit https://www.leadu.com/comment/ to submit them. Someone will get back to you.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.

© Generati