DI & the Coaching Habit
Thank you for joining our June 1: Live & Recorded Session whose Topic — DYNAMIC INQUIRY & The Coaching Habit.
I promised my last group of COACH2 Intensive Program Participants a rave and a lot of rants about:
The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More and Change the Way You Lead Forever by Michael Stanier,
which focuses on seven essential coaching questions and the tools to make them an everyday way to work less hard, but have more impact.
Essentially Michael’s book offers 7 Questions, particularly formulated for managers to coach employees.
Michael recently was selected as Canada’s Coach of the year — CONGRATULATIONS!
What I’m going to do in about 45 minutes during our live/recorded program is discuss those 7 questions as they relate to DYNAMIC INQUIRY which is a system of inquiry with 6 easy-to-learn skills that open up the helping functions: cueing, scaffolding, supporting, and lifting others according to their needs at their current developmental level and why most of what helpers do is lost in the process of helping.
With all the focus on “neuroscience” and emotional intelligence these days, I’ll show you how to recognize and regulate your inquiry into ways, using these skills to get at RightACTION™.
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your spam foler and you miss some great follow-up
information on Dynamic Inquiry [DI]. You may learn more
about DI by clicking
Mike R. Jay
The World’s Most Innovative Coach
Ps: Drop by, or send a note and say hi if you’re one of our previous graduates. We have scheduled a 20-year B/Coach Reunion for 2020, mark your calendars.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. Or if you prefer, at the bottom of this page leave your comment and someone will get back to you.
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LeaderW@RE. Many people ask, “What is LeaderW@RE and
how will I benefit by learning more about it.”
To answer that question, the first thing you will be given
access to is the paper titled: “What is LeaderW@RE”.
Next you will receive my Exposé in Leader Development.
Depending on when you register, there may be more content
to share with you as we are adding content on a regular
Register HERE now.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

© Generati
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