1-Minute Dailies: Series I
Day 12
The latest way to describe focus is MINDFULNESS and DEEP WORK, which I have always referred to as ATTENTION.
Whatever words you use, it’s helpful to be clear on what they mean.
Clarity comes from ATTENTION, whether it’s sharp mental focus, letting go of your emerging thoughts during meditation or eliminating noise and distractions for deep work.
My sense is that most leaders fail to do one thing:
Schedule “unscheduled time” so their own desire to get work done encumbers their mindfulness and deep work and by their own hand and habits of scheduling time, succumb to VUCA noise, rather than signal.
The more VUCA you encounter, the greater number of “unscheduled time” you need in your calendar.
Without time and attention, no deep work, focus, or mindfulness.
It’s not about doing nothing or no things, it’s about allowing VUCA to come to you.
If you have looked at my SKCP [www.mikejay.com/mj] (pronounced “sky cap”)… you can easily see that I’m impatient, expedient, strategic, not detailed, extroverted for energy and a dominant intuitive… among other things not conducive to focus.
So how in the world did I take the time to write, edit and process these daily developmental tips, let alone catalog my own journey?
Because, I’ve learned how to do deep work both subconsciously in concert with my “short” attention span, and 2-98 microwork using my bottle rocket energy with short bursts of attention.
As I said, 2% gives 98% of the results… the rest is just noise and experience.
Learn your SKCP and then construct the design of focus, mindfulness, deep work through your ATTENTION BIAS.
Yet, you can find ways to setup your behaviors in ways that create enduring and endearing affects.
Invest ATTENTION wisely,
Mike R. Jay, Developmentalist
PS: Have you signed up for Mike's FREE introductory
launch call for his newest training –
Living Inquiry?
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We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

© Generati
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