What is LeaderW@RE
LeaderW@RE arose out of a demand for a leadership development approach that emerged from the need to consider development in 4-Directions: Vertical, Horizontal, Oblique, and Time—required, because solutions must be crafted in 4 dimensions to meet VUCA conditions. (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous).
Vertical and Oblique dimensions are critical components of
Dimensional Leadership as is TIME, and understanding these
components creates leverage in LeaderWARE for leaders and
Using what he learned in more than 25 years of Global Professional
Coaching, Mike R. Jay became focused on adult development and the
leverage that exists for BEHAVIORAL CHANGE.
In the process of developing LeaderW@RE, Mike utilized
adult developmental systems devised by researchers over the past
hundred years, including specifically Michael Commons, Robert
Kegan, Jane Loevinger and Susanne Cook-Greuter, Kurt Fischer, Theo
Dawson, Elliott Jaques, Clare Graves and Don Beck, Lawrence
Kohlberg, and many others who have contributed to the current
state of Adult Development.
Through the coaching of
thousands of clients and the training of coaches in more than 45
countries over more than three decades, Mike devised a model of “development
in a leadership context” simply “on the other side of
LeaderW@RE follows in the path of GENERATI @F-L-O-W and believes that change is best designed and scaffolded from talent, rather than extracted from working on limitations.
Mike’s Holorg Approach realizes that development occurs in the
context, conditions, code, and culture of organizations and thus
using powerful content, and knowledge of “core” individual
attributes, enhances self-awareness through the objectification of
LeaderW@RE is the network of Seven DYNAMICS:
Capability, Bias,
Style, Level,
Role, Values, and
System. Taken
individually and as a fractal — each containing parts of the
whole, the system can be used to both differentiate as well as
integrate self-knowledge, as enhancing self-awareness — the key
leadership component of VUCA TIME.
What does “getting certified” in LeaderW@RE involve?
- The program consists of a year-long embedded learning experience.
It includes an assessment portfolio carefully selected and
tested for psychoactive elements.
- It includes a “retreat experience” staged at the beginning and end of the program.
One retreat may be attended virtually to limit travel costs
for International Participants.
Retreats are video-taped and recordings made available for
those who pursue the “Certified Track.”
- The LeaderW@RE Program includes 9 Modules, 7 of which contain the essential Core DYNAMICS
The modules are taught virtually online and involve a
“participant-centered” developmental plan.
Learning how to create Individual Developmental Plans using
LeaderWARE is the essential goal.
- Embedded learning creates virtuous learning and reinforces the instructional design.
LeaderW@RE is modeled throughout the process to allow
you as a Certified LeaderW@RE Participant to
- There is a travel, housing, and meal cost associated with one or both (optional) retreats.
What does Certification in LeaderW@RE do for me?
If you are a
You receive personal benefits derived from your own developmental
You may apply our Holorg System in your team,
group, or company. You
may receive direct support from our Holorg Community, an inner
circle of practitioners who offer specific KSEs (Knowledge,
Skill, and Experience) related to implementation of the
various components of LeaderWARE.
You get access to wholesale pricing of assessments, assessment
center support, and consulting on the use of LeaderW@RE
in your organization.
You receive discounts on
implementation, training, coaching, and Holorg Organization
If you are a consultant:
In addition to those benefits listed for leaders, you gain access to our consulting community and become listed in our consulting referral system. You receive options to gain experience in Holorg Organizational Design* Implementation.
You receive support in implementing LeaderW@RE with your
clients globally.
If you are a coach:
In addition to those benefits listed for leaders and consultants, you will receive additional coaching training opportunities using COACH2 @F-L-O-W, providing you with access to our internal coaching team. Coaches should have certificates, prior training, and/or certification in Coaching from recognized sources.
* Holorg Organizational Design is a Principle-Driven Requisite Approach codified by Mike R. Jay after testing the system around the world for a decade. It involves best practices in Requisite Organization, Agile Software Development, Strategic Human Resource Development, and Facilitation.
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please use the form below to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. Or if you prefer, at the bottom of this page leave your comment and someone will get back to you.

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @F-L-O-W
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring and advising as methods to offer developmental scaffolding for aspiring leaders who are interested in being, doing, having, becoming, and contributing… to helping people have lives.

© Generati
Learn how you may become a member of our Inner Circle and receive the cutting edge on the most current thinking in Leader Development. Visit http://LivingAtFLOW.com/innercircle